Available Positions:
1. President- The President shall preside over official Drive@UCR meetings and assume all other executive duties not otherwise delegated. He or she shall also coordinate the organization’s participation in campus and inter-campus events.
2. Vice President- The Vice President shall take responsibility for ensuring the timely and complete submission of all necessary documentation for club events in order to aid the President, and perform all functions of the President in the latter’s absence or upon the request of the President.
3. Treasurer- The Treasurer shall create an annual budget, receive all money and pay all debts of the club, and shall keep an exact account of all receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall provide a detailed report of all Drive@UCR finances at same time as general elections are held and propose a budget to be ratified..
4. Public Relations- The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for the design and publication of flyers, posters, and assorted advertising materials in order to create a strong positive public identity for Drive@UCR. The Public Relations Officer is also responsible for aiding the President and Vice President with the organization of any club events including finding and booking venues, equipment, catering and etc...
To apply for one of these positions applicants must:
-Be a CURRENTLY REGISTERED UC Riverside Student in good standing.
-Been an active member of Drive@UCR for 2 or more quarters.
-Have the time and skills necessary to undertake the responsibilities necessary of each office.
To apply for an Officer Position(s) applicants need to send the following using your UCR STUDENT EMAIL address:
Email Subject: Full Name - Position (that you're applying for)
-Full Name
-Student ID no. (860-xxx-xxx)
-Year, and Major
-Cell Phone number
-3 Reasons you feel you would be a good candidate for the position for which you are applying. (not longer than a paragraph total please)
Emails need to be sent to DriveUCR@gmail.com by no later than 12:01am Saturday 5/7/11